Survivor Harassment
Associates of the OnePULSE Foundation have failed to moderate online hate speech or have actively participated in harassing survivors.
Survivor harassment, online hate speech, and efforts to Silence Our Criticism are a problem.
Associates of the OnePULSE Foundation and supporters of their proposed museum have actively tried to silence our voices through practices that have included:
Publicly questioning our mental fitness;
Denouncing our criticisms as "hate" and “anger”;
Blaming our “anger” on our grief;
Excluding our views against the proposed museum from national publications, like The Advocate, even as the views of museum proponents are rushed to print;
Making misleading claims that there has been ample opportunity for robust public debate (when there has not been) and that we are “too late” to raise objections or concerns;
Claiming to speak for the dead despite the wishes of their family;
Making false accusations that we are spreading “fake news,” gossip, falsehoods, and "hate" (we have everything documented and cited);
Making false accusations that we seek publicity and personal financial benefit;
Dismissing our broad coalition as the fringe opinions of “just a few;”
And other personal attacks on our coalition members, whose only goals are a dignified public memorial and an ethical development process.
In addition, survivors who have publicly spoken against the OnePULSE Foundation are openly shamed, bullied, and harassed by OnePULSE Foundation volunteers and supporters.
This is just one of the many factors that make it difficult for survivors and families to organize and publicly protest.
Here are some instances of such harassment on Facebook. As of 08/09/2019, there has been no public recognition of this issue by Ms. Poma. Nor has Ms. Poma publicly denounced online hate speech or survivor harassment done by OnePULSE Foundation volunteers. We have heard no calls to end this specific type of violence on survivors.
Here are some recent (July/August 2019) examples:
The following has been on the OnePULSE Foundation's Facebook page since June 22 and as of August 4, 2019, it had not been moderated/removed:
In addition to these attacks, OnePulse Foundation supporters have also attacked family members of victims who oppose the museum while claiming to "not let hate win." This is evidenced on a Facebook user's account who linked to the OnePulse Foundation (we want to keep this person's identity anonymous, by not disclosing how they are connected to the organization).
Meanwhile, survivors continue to publicly call for help.
The OnePULSE Foundation does not provide victims services. This is why we demand that all private funds donated by the OnePULSE Foundation go to people and NOT buildings.
We also demand that this violence is stopped and that OnePULSE Foundation associates stop engaging in hateful rhetoric. As part of the organization's mission, they should be actively removing hate speech from their social media sites. Furthermore, Ms. Poma should not remain silent when all of this discourse is publicly visible, especially when the harassers are people associated with the organization. As of August 9, 2019, this issue has not been publicly addressed.
Furthermore, we have the following questions:
What mandatory training is provided to those associated with the OnePULSE Foundation that specifically addresses survivor harassment, violence, ethics, and communications best practices in the context of a mass shooting incident?
How often is this training offered?
Who has taken this training?
We also want to know what the repercussions of there are for online harassers inside the organization?
Is there a process for documenting online harassment? If so, when was this process instituted? How many documented cases of online harassment have there been?
The OnePULSE Foundation IS in fact, letting hate win. The organization is actively promoting division by using their money for a museum and not to survivors who need financial help. The museum is a divisive project that is pitting survivors against survivors. It needs to be stopped. OnePULSE Foundation needs to be dissolved.
Ongoing Abuse
Members of CCAPM continue to get sent abusive letters and comments from people who support the OnePULSE Foundation and the museum project. We will add all new forms of harassment below: