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Join Our Coalition

There are many ways you can join our coalition and support our movement against the OnePULSE Foundation's plans for a museum. ​

Option 1: Sign Christine Leinonen's petitions: (1) this one to stop the museum; and (2) this one to stop Disney's involvement in making mass shootings a tourist attraction

Option 2: If you have been directly impacted by a mass shooting and don’t believe in turning a mass shooting into a tourist attraction, join the 115 others across this nation—including 34 affected by the Orlando Pulse Nightclub shooting— and sign on to say, "NO, and we stand in SOLIDARITY." There are currently people from 13 mass shootings across America who are calling for the City of Orlando and others involved, such as Disney and Walmart, to stop this tourist attraction. We will have to verify before we add you to the letter. Thank you.

Option 3: Share and Follow

Share this website with the hashtags #NoPulseMuseum and #TearPulseDown. Follow us on Twitter @nopulsemuseum.

Option 4: Commit to Publicly Support Us

Soon, we will be publishing the names of all of our supporters on this page. This practice is vital to show the far-reaching support of our coalition. Add your name by filling out the form below: 

Sign Your Name

By clicking the submit button below, you consent to allow us to publish your first name, last name, and city/state/country on this page. Email addresses will never be published and will be kept private. If you are a survivor or family member and feel safe publicly identifying your support, please let us know in the comments section. 

Thanks for joining us!

Option 5: Take our anonymous survey, by clicking here.

If you want to support our movement and express your views AGAINST a Pulse museum, you can do so anonymously. Some supporters fear being shamed, de-friended, attacked, or otherwise violently confronted on social media. We've created this space for you.


Option 6: Print and Pass Out Our Informational Flyers (click on the images below to download the PDF). 


Option 7: Do NOT donate to the OnePULSE Foundation. Instead, donate to the National Compassion Fund.


Option 8: Share our new animated GIFs on Facebook and Twitter. Some are speedy, but we aren't professional GIF makers. Still, they repeat and get our messages across. They do the job.


Option 9: Support our victims/survivors directly. CCAPM wants to make sure that victims/survivors' needs are a priority. Not a museum. Click on any of the following links to be taken to individual fundraisers:

Michael Morales:

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